Our commitment

On September 25, 2015, the member countries of the United Nations adopted goals to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all as part of a new agenda for sustainable development.Each goal has specific targets to be achieved by 2030.
The concept of sustainable development provides a comprehensive definition of development as it links ecological services and quality of life with economic growth.
The 17 SDGs provide a common language and a measurable and quantifiable scenario for achieving sustainable development. LEAF certification helps ensure compliance with at least 14 of the 17 goals.

The sustainability palette

Click on a segment of the wheel to discover our goals

Sustainable cities and communities

Decent earnings and a safe work space lead to better health and improve harmony with nature. Limited overtime at work provides more time with ones family and therefore build stronger communities.

Decent work and economic growth.

With the growing demand for sustainable fashion, companies engaged in eco-friendly processing get more jobs. Therefore, there is an economic benefit for companies to embrace the LEAF Hardware certified initiative.

Responsible consumption and production.

Strict environmental and social criteria lead to responsible production. LEAF is a useful tool for the company to monitor and optimize its production process. At the same time, LEAF promotes consumer awareness of sustainability.

Partnership for goals

LEAF itself is the result of collaboration. We partner with stakeholder organizations representing hardware manufacturers, as well as labor interests, retailers, and consumers.

Defeating poverty

LEAF mandates fair wages for workers. Wages must meet basic needs and employers must provide adequate income. In addition, there must be no pay deductions as disciplinary measures.

Health and well-being

For production steps, LEAF mandates safe and hygienic working conditions. In addition, the certification standard requires compliance with current regulations in terms of potential impacts on both human health and the environment.

Clean and affordable energy

LEAF requires that data on energy source and consumption per dm2 of fashion hardware production must be maintained. Companies are also required to provide training to staff on energy conservation.

Life on Earth

LEAF enforces compliance with local regulations of air emissions, wastewater and sludge disposal. It also prohibits on-site burning of waste or its uncontrolled dumping in landfills.

Fighting climate change

LEAF enforces compliance with local regulations of air emissions, wastewater and sludge disposal. It also prohibits on-site burning of waste or its uncontrolled dumping in landfills.

Clean water and sanitation

LEAF requires that clean water and access to clean sanitation be provided in the workplace and also in staff quarters wherever this is provided.

Gender Equality

For all stages of production, LEAF requires that no discrimination, be praticed that is based on gender, marital status, sexual orientation, etc..

Reduce inequality

LEAF mandates that no discrimination be practiced when hiring, paying, etc., based on race, caste, religion, gender, marital status, or for any other reason.

Underwater life

LEAF mandates that wastewater must be treated before being discharged. There are strict standards for pH, temperature, and oxygen demand of wastewater discharged from certified facilities.

The sustainability paletteImprese, innovazione e infrastrutture

LEAF bans harmful and hazardous processing methods, pushing industries to innovate nonhazardous and sustainable alternative techniques.